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NUestro Enfoque

El Crecimiento Personal

Nos enfocamos en el verdadero aprendizaje, en el trato adecuado al personal docente y en el cumplimiento de todas nuestras obligaciones, las leyes, los reglamentos y la propia Constitución.


Lo que recuerdan y opinan nuestros extudiantes

The most amazing thing about learning English in the Multiverse English Center is my teacher Luli. She used to be really supportive and charismatic in and out of the classroom.
Jimmy González
Kids 8
Multiverse English Center was the place where a started learning English, but also I could make friends, good friends who used to share digital resources and we could speak freely.
Andrea Aguirre
Teens 2
I've got lots of memories about Multiverse English, but what I remember most is that sometimes my dad didn't have enough money to pay expenses and my fee, so I got a scholarship.
Luis Gutiérrez
Kids 10
Multiverse Center was the best choice for me and my mom's, due to I could start studying without wasting money buying expensive books, but having technology at hand.
Karen Meneses
Young 1

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